Oral Cancer Screenings in Dallas, TX

At Lakewood Family Dental Care, we realize that some people might panic when told that they need oral cancer screenings in Dallas, TX. As dentists near you, we want you to know that oral cancer screenings near you are nothing to worry about. These screenings are done as a precaution and don’t mean that you have cancer.

Knowing that there are dentists in Dallas, TX that can perform oral cancer screenings near you effectively is essential. At Lakewood Family Dental Care, we have years of experience when it comes to these screenings, and we know what to look for. Additionally, we know what has to be done if an abnormality is found during a screening.

Oral Cancer Risk Factors

Any medical or dental condition has risk factors. A risk factor is something that makes a person more likely to get a disease. It doesn’t mean that a person will certainly get it. The absence of risk factors doesn’t make a person completely safe either.

Smoking is the main risk factor associated with oral cancer. Patients that have been smoking for many years are at a higher risk. Heavy smokers are also more likely to get oral cancer than others. People who drink alcohol in excess and those that have certain viral infections are also at risk. You’re more likely to get oral cancer if you had it in the past or have a family member that had it.

Oral Cancer Screenings

At Lakewood Family Dental Care, we perform effective oral cancer screenings while keeping you comfortable. Our screenings aren’t associated with any discomfort and only take a few minutes. Our dentist in 75214 will ask you a few questions about your medical history then examine you. We’ll inspect all areas of the mouth and palpate them gently using our fingers. We might gently palpate the lymph nodes in your neck to check for enlargements.

During screenings, we look for ulcers, masses, and discolored areas. The presence of these might mean the presence of cancer. If we suspect that a person might have cancer, we’ll acquire a biopsy and send it to pathology. A pathologist will examine the specimen and reach a diagnosis.

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